The RCRenegade Environment/Conservation Education Web Site

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Here you will find some excelent links to sites that promote Environmental Conservation and Education on all levels.
A human being is part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole [of] nature in its beauty.  ~Albert Einstein, 1950

Oglala Lakota College (OLC)

The Lakota have always held their land base to be sacred. The land is something that must be protected and managed wisely and effectively. Consequently, OLC has developed a strong program in the area of environmental scienc. Two emphasis areas have been developed: earth sciences and conservation biology. In the earth sciences, students learn about water management, solid waste disposal, and a myriad of other issues needed to protect andimprove the quality of life on the reservation. In the area of conservation biology, wise management of wildlife and habitats is critical to the future of our reservation. The Lakota perspective is vital to the environmental science program. All students are required to take specific courses that incorporate traditional Lakota concepts about land, plants, and animals.

Leopold Education Project

The Leopold Education Project (LEP) is an innovative, interdisciplinary, critical thinking, conservation and environmental education curriculum based on the classic writings of the renowned conservationist, Aldo Leopold. The Leopold Education Project teaches the public about humanity's ties to the natural environment in the effort to conserve and protect the earth's natural resources.

Project Wild

Project WILD is one of the most widely-used conservation and environmental education programs among educators of students in kindergarten through high school. It is based on the premise that young people and educators have a vital interest in learning about our natural world. A national network of State Wildlife Agency Sponsors ensures that Project WILD is available nationwide --training educators in the many facets of the program. Emphasizing wildlife because of its intrinsic value, Project WILD addresses the need for human beings to develop as responsible citizens of our planet.

Project Wet

Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) is a nonprofit water education program and publisher for educators and young people ages 5-18. The program facilitates and promotes awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids and the establishment of internationally sponsored Project WET programs.

Project Learning Tree

Project Learning TreeŽ (PLT) is the environmental education program of the American Forest Foundation. PLT uses the forest as a "window on the world" to increase student's understanding of our complex environment and to help students learn the skills they need to make sound choices about the environment. Developed in 1976, PLT has a network of more than 300,000 trained educators using six curricula covering the total environment. The American Forest Foundation, a nonprofit organization, works for healthy forests, quality environmental education, and to help people make informed decisions about our communities and our world.

Project Underground

Project Underground is a source of interdisciplinary instructional activities, and its staff conducts workshops and in-service training programs. These materials and workshops are designed for classroom teachers, cavern, park, museum, and nature center staff, or any youth-oriented group leaders.

The Council for Environmental Education

The Council for Environmental Education is a nationally recognized leader in environmental education; providing programs and services that promote responsible stewardship of our natural resources.

The American Indian Science & Engineering Society

The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) is a national, non-profit organization that nurtures building of community by bridging science and technology with traditional Native values. Through its educational programs, AISES provides opportunities for American Indians and Alaska Natives to pursue studies in science, engineering, and technology arenas. These trained professionals then become technologically informed leaders within the Indian community. AISES' ultimate goal is to be a catalyst for the advancement of American Indians and Native Alaskans as they seek to become self-reliant and self-determined members of society.


The goal of the All Nations Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation is to increase the number of American Indians graduating with a Bachelors' degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

National Tribal Environmental Council

The National Tribal Environmental Council (NTEC) is a comprehensive resource for American Indian & Alaska Native communities, state & federal agencies, and private and non-profit organizations interested in protecting tribal environments. NTEC's mission is to enhance each Tribe's ability to protect, preserve and promote the wise management of air, land and water for the benefit of present and future generations.

American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO)

The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian Country, with a special emphasis on building Tribal capacity to administer their own environmental programs. AIEO oversees development and implementation of the Agency's Indian Policy and strives to ensure that all EPA Headquarters and Regional Offices implement their parts of the Agency's Indian Program in a manner consistent with Administration policy to work with Tribes on a government-to-government basis and EPA's trust responsibility to protect Tribal health and environments. AIEO's responsibilities also include:

providing multi-media program development grants to Tribes;

negotiating Tribal/EPA Environmental Agreements that identify Tribal priorities for building environmental programs and also for direct, EPA program implementation assistance;

developing tools to assist Tribal environmental managers in their decisions on environmental priorities;

developing training curricula for EPA staff on how to work effectively with Tribes; and

working to improve communication between the Agency and its Tribal stakeholders in a number of ways, including assistance to Agency Offices as they consult more closely with Tribes on actions that affect Tribes and their environments, and support for regular meetings of the Agency's Tribal Operations Committee.

American Indian Environmental Office, USEPA

Mail Code: 4104M

1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Washington, DC 20460


Tel:  202/564-0303

FAX:  202/564-0298


Actual Address for Visiting & Delivery:

1201 Constitution Ave. NW

EPA East Building, Room 3334

Washington, DC 20004

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Below are links to search sites that may be helpful to find more information on:

Lakota, Education, Conservation, Environment, Lee McDowell, Environmental Science, Conservation Biology, Conservation Education, Environmental Education, Respect, Outdoors, Oglala Lakota College, Lakota Values, Lakota Culture, Lakota Education, Outdoor Education, Environmental Organizations, Conservation Organizations, Outdoor Recreation, South Dakota, Black Hills, Rapid City, Pine Ridge Reservation, Lakota Sioux


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